USD Conference Systems, The 12th Graduate Student Conference: "Practicing Critical Digital Literacy For Future Education"

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Reviving Indonesian Folktales through Digital Storytelling
Rosalia Suryani

Last modified: 2023-05-10


Human civilization always develops in accordance with the reforms occur around it. Human life in globalization era is greatly influenced by technological advances, for example in the fields of communication, economy, education, social, and culture. Current internet technology makes humans better facilitated that access to communication and information can be achieved more easily. However, this ease of communication and information has a less encouraging impact on cultural aspects. One of them is the decreasing interest of young learners in folktales, the cultural heritage of their nation. They think folktales are no longer relevant to the modern globalization.  Digital storytelling, a product of technological advancement is created to revive folktales that have faded in the hearts of young learners. Two problem formulations are presented in this study; why folktale is important to revive in this digital era and how digital storytelling can revive folktales as nation’s cultural heritage among young learners. Having library research, this study uses descriptive qualitative method and the result of this study is digital storytelling can help preserve folktales as a local cultural heritage.

Keywords: reviving, folktales, digital storytelling, young learners