USD Conference Systems, The 3rd APTIK International Conference 2023

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Urban Spaces Commodification and Youth Movements: Seeing from the Perspective of Grassroot Community in Yogyakarta
Paulus Bagus Sugiyono

Last modified: 2023-10-18


Within current massive development, there is a certain process of how urban spaces are commodified as capital. The so-called ‘urban spaces commodification’ can be seen from various city-scapes changes, spanning from the development of public and private infrastructures to the abandonment of shrinking public and green areas. As a result, there are some precarious impacts felt by urban dwellers, for example the scarcity of clean water. It is considered crucial to re-strengthen the voice of urban civil society to oversee urban development before the threat of the commodification of urban spaces. It is especially important to highlight creative actions made by urban youth to respond to such issues. Regardless of general stigma judging youth as an apathetic generation, in fact they make such a distinct contribution. Based on what they are doing, it can be stated that urban youth are now practicing ‘right to the city’. This paper attempts to tackle a particular case in Yogyakarta during the last decade. Standing within the qualitative approach, this paper takes some stories from local youth movements in Yogyakarta in giving their creative responses to the issue of urban spaces commodification. It is interesting to take Yogyakarta as a case study since the urban social movements in Yogyakarta can be considered as the trailblazers for other urban social movements in surrounding cities.


urban spaces commodification; urban youth movements; grassroot community, social resilience; Yogyakarta.