USD Conference Systems, The 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research (ICEBMR)

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Analyzing Electric Vehicle Consumer Purchase Intention Using The Perceived Value Theory

Last modified: 2024-05-06


Excessive energy use in various countries has caused global environmental problems such as climate change, one of the main causes is the use of energy from transportation that is fully dependent on petroleum fuels so it is necessary to change the use of oil-fueled vehicles to electric vehicles. This study examines the effect of perceived value theory in the form of functional value, price value, emotional value, social value and environmental value on consumer intention to purchase electric vehicles. This study uses descriptive quantitative methodology with a survey method, data collected from 100 respondents through an online questionnaire using google form which is analyzed using SEM PLS 3.2.9. The results showed that consumer intention to buy an electric vehicle is positively influenced by functional value, price value, emotional value, social value and environmental value. This research also provides theoretical implications in the form of empirical evidence, decision making by electric vehicle marketers and the government from the influence of consumer intentions to buy electric vehicles in the Indonesian context.

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