Open Conference Systems, The 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research (ICEBMR)

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Introducing Interactive Research Approach to Business Management Research Field: A Collaboration for Strengthening the Digital Transformation in Credit Union Kridha Rahardja
Pande Putu Yuda Raditya Gunasta Putra, Antonius Sumarwan, Titus Odong Kusumajati

Last modified: 2024-05-22


There is often a discrepancy between the academic interest in developing theory and the practical needs of business practitioners in addressing real-world problems. Therefore, research contributions from academics are often less effective in solving practitioners' actual problems. An interactive research approach may achieve the dual goals of developing theory and solving practical problems in the field. This paper introduces this approach and discuss the roles of academics and practitioners in it. The interactive research approach was employed to review the digital transformation practices at Kridha Rahardja Credit Union. The study enhanced the digital transformation at the credit union, indicated by the increase of EsCeTe activations was increased and transactions.


Interactive research, Digital Transformation, Micro Finance Institution.