Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2022

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Novriani Rabeka Manafe, Hellen Amelia Napu Amalo

Building: Day 2 Parallel 4
Room: Room 2
Date: 2022-11-05 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
Last modified: 2022-11-03


This research aimed to find out the types, formation, and function of connectors in Kupang Malay, the creole language spoken in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. This research used a qualitative method by using a documentary study to describe the kinds, functions, and formation of Kupang Malay connectors found in the storybook entitled “Yusuf pung Carita Dalam Bahasa Kupang”. For data collection, a documentary study was used to obtain the primary data from the object of research. The findings showed that the Kupang Malay connectors fall into seven categories namely cause and effect, condition, contrast or opposite ideas, examples, explanation or equivalence, summary or conclusion, and time and time sequence. The seven connector types are formed by combining base words into single-word connectors, from two or more words into phrasal connectors, and into compound word connectors. The functions of seven types of Kupang Malay connectors are connectors functioning to: introduce or connect effects and causes, connectors functioning to introduce or connect conditions and events, introduce or connect two contrastive events or opposite events, connectors functioning to introduce examples of statements, introduce explanation or equivalence of events, to introduce summary or conclusion, and connectors functioning to introduce time and time sequence


connectors, Kupang Malay, storybook