Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2022

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Anna Patrisia Derianty, Patricia Angelina

Building: Day 2 Parallel 4
Room: Room 2
Date: 2022-11-05 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
Last modified: 2022-11-03


Reading is involved in subjects at school these days, for reading helps
students gain more knowledge. In the English Language Education
Study Program (ELESP) of Sanata Dharma University, the second-semester students have the chance to experience several reading courses. One of them is Book Report which helps students strengthen their reading and writing, which could affect their literacy development. Two research questions are formulated: (1) What are the learning activities conducted in Book Report class? (2) What are the ways that the learning activities develop students’ literacy? This study employed qualitative descriptive research using three instruments: interviews, documents, and field notes. Three learning activities were conducted, namely Extensive Reading, Daily Journals, and Literature Circle. Along with those three learning activities, five features aided the students’ literacy development. The first four were; using different book formats and story genre preferences; reading many books enhances writing skills; writing daily journals to improve reading comprehension; presenting and discussing the reviews of literary and non-literary works, and the last one was implementing the literary and non-literary works in daily life. Progressively, the students in the Book Report class became aware that they improved their reading and writing skills when they participate in learning activities.



book Report, literacy development, reading, writing