Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2022

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Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin

Building: Day 1 Parallel 1
Room: Room 7
Date: 2022-11-04 09:45 AM – 10:30 AM
Last modified: 2022-11-13


Teaching and learning in schools are absolutely complex processes that are influenced under which they occur. With changing educational trends their existence is getting tougher and tougher every day. Especially, in current situations teachers face a hard time in getting students to be more self-directed. Students’ motivation is influenced by external factors which are more interesting than learning in the classroom. This article explores the problems faced by teachers in conducting teaching and learning English in the classroom. The data were based on the report made by the teachers’ profession program in Sanata Dharma University. 34 teachers participated in the presentation and reported their problems in the teaching and learning process in their English lessons. Three problems were reported as the major findings. They are students’ motivation, teachers’ difficulties in implementing innovative strategies, and students’ difficulties in dealing with higher thinking skills. Other problems were identified by some teachers including students’ interest in writing and reading. The problems become the challenges for teachers to find some solution so that the teaching and learning English in schools can be more effective.


curriculum, innovation, motivation, technology