Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2022

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Enkhzul Buyandalai, Oyun-Erdene Tumurbat

Building: Day 2 Parallel 4
Room: Room 4
Date: 2022-11-05 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
Last modified: 2022-11-03


This research was aimed at investigating the use of English songs to improve vocabulary fluency such as understanding of vocabulary, learning word meaning and usage from English pop songs. The four songs were chosen due to the representation of love which met to the characteristics and age of students. Combination of both quantitative and qualitative research design was developed for two treatments and two control groups consisting of 134 first-year undergraduates from Mandakh University. In academic year of 2021-2022, vocabulary inbound and outbound tests focused on assessing students’ progress in vocabulary development, and researchers conducted a four week of English songs training with pre-answers and post-answers of strategies to compare their improvements. After collecting the data from the questionnaire, the researchers worked on analysis and discussion parts based on previous studies on vocabulary learning. Findings of the quantitative outcomes represented that memorization achievements of two treatment groups increased by 17.7%, while final result of two control groups raised by 21.3% compared them to measurements of inbound tests. Qualitative research outcome revealed that the most common used strategies are memorizing unfamiliar words with translation (42.5%), listening songs with lyrics (37.6%) dominated for majority of students.


inbound and outbound vocabulary tests, listening repetition of English songs, love songs, vocabulary improvement