Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2020

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Surviving Online Learning Challenges during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Can We?
Febriana Aminatul Khusna, Muhammad Khoiruddin

Last modified: 2022-10-25


The Covid-19 pandemic which was announced by the WHO as an international disaster and all countries had to make strategies to survive during the pandemic. The role of education aspect is the one of aspects that had affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and almost all of education in the world change to be online systems. On the other words, all elements of education such as teachers, students and other educational institutions must be able to adapt in the new system. The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate and find out the impacts, challenges, and opportunities experienced by online learner during pandemic. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with the method of interviewing students in 3rd and 5th semesters at Tidar universities related to the phenomenon of online learning. Phenomenological instruments by interviewing were selected in order to obtain accurate data from participants. As a result, technology, economics, learning and assignments become the obstacles experienced during their online learning. In addition, technological innovation and acceptance of online learning become the opportunities after the existence of the online learning. The covid-19 pandemic encourages researchers and innovators to innovate and develop research in the health and technology fields so that the entire system can survive the Covid-19 pandemic.


Covid-19 pandemic, education system, online learning


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