Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2020

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Catharina Brameswari, Almira Ghassani Shabrina Romala

Last modified: 2020-10-21


This research aims to unveil the students’ perceptions on the implementation of e-learning in the English Conversation II class during Covid-19 pandemic. The data for this research were collected using questionnaire. The setting of this research is at the Department of English Letters of Universitas Sanata Dharma in the 2019/2020 academic year. The students are in their second semester and learning listening and speaking skills. In order to to keep up with the Covid-19 pandemic, this research implemented e-learning that could change the way students learn. The approach was made during the Covid-19 pandemic quarantine time and the questionnaires were then being handed out at the end of the semester. After the questionnaires were collected and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, the result of this research shows that the students’ perceptions on the implementation of e-learning in the English Conversation II class the Covid-19 pandemic are dominated by students with very high expectations, which means that students benefit directly from the application of e-learning in the English Conversation II class during Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, related to the findings, future researchers may explore the teachers’ perception towards the usage of e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in English skills classes.



Students’ Perception; E-learning; Covid-19 Pandemic


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