Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2020

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Patricia Natasya Rhea

Last modified: 2020-10-22


Web-based language learning is a form of adaptation in educational field. It provides many benefits on its implementation, i.e. web-based learning is available anytime, anyplace, to anyone-irrespective of time and distance. Thus, the development of this method becomes a concern during this time. This paper presents the use of EditPlus and HotPotatoes to support the development of web-based language learning, especially in English as a Foreign Language learning. Using this this technology, the project maker can get many benefits, such as (1) teacher can create the web-site as needed so that the content and design would not bother students’ focus, (2) HotPotatoes provides many kinds of interactive exercises which has certain benefits for each type to support students’ understanding and support students’ exploration on the material, and (3) the technologies are accessible and easy to be used. Moreover, the result of this project is a website that has its own benefits. It is well-designed, has a brief and clear explanation, and provides interactive exercises which can stimulate learners’ understanding and critical thinking.


Web-Based Language Learning (WBLL); English as a Foreign Language (EFL); Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)


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