Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2020

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Setyaningsih Rachmania Sumantri, Didin Syahrudin -

Last modified: 2020-10-22


This research studies the local language, Sundanese, that is diminishing while the demand of foreign language, in this case is English increases. It cannot be denied that English is needed for 4.0 industrial revolution era. The goal for this research is to motivate the parents so that they can maintain Sundanese as the local language but at the same time to enhance the learning of English in accordance with the era. The process to gather the data is by gathering questionnaires from the elementary school parents through online media. The data from the questionnaires is analysed. The result of the analysis has brought up 3 topics: the support from the parents for the process of learning language of their children by maintaining the local language, and introduce English as the language to be used for 4.0 industrial revolution era. This research is very useful in synchronizing the existence of Sundanese and English in the same era.


Local language (Sundanese), foreign language (English), parents


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