Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2020

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Siska Lidya Revianti, Pius Dian Widi Anggoro

Last modified: 2020-11-12


This study is dealing with VR technology in a web platform which is used for job interview simulation cases. The evaluation was carried out to review the use of VR technology running on low-specification smartphones (Low-Cost Device) which require small internet connection. The Web VR and React 360 libraries were used to develop the virtual environments using the JavaScript language. Moreover, the Web Speech API was used to convert text into conversations by taking questions from the web service on the Moodle learning platform that was connected to PostgreSQL. The first testing methods were the web application performance, then followed by Alpha Testing, and a validation test by media and material experts, continued by Beta Testing and a product-use testing which is done by 15 participants of English 3 class students. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. According to the assessment of the media and material experts; as well as the users, each of them gave an assessment score of 83.10% of the media and material experts and 77.58% of the participants. The mean score of 80.34% was in the feasible category.


English 3 Class; Job Interview; Low-Cost Device; Software Testing; Web VR


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