Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2021

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Thomas Wahyu Prabowo Mukti, Christina Kristiyani, Fransisca Ditawati Nur Pamenang

Last modified: 2021-09-17


Pandemic changes communication and interaction patterns between lecturers and students in the classroom. Many activities that were once easily done in an offline classroom have become challenging for both faculty and students. However, teachers and students now are able to adapt to the new conditions and create a new form of interaction. There is not much research in Indonesia discussing online interactions. Therefore, this study is trying to focus on online learning interactions. The first aim is to reveal the students’ engagement in online settings and the second is to elaborate the meaningful engaging online interactions for students. This research is qualitative research involving 320 students. The researcher collected the data using a questionnaire on Google Forms and from FGD conducted with 28 students. The verbatim data were then analyzed using the Atlas.ti. The results of this study indicated that from the students’ point of view social media engagement form is the most preferred-interaction to occur compared to the learning management system and virtual meeting platform. That included interactions among students and with the lecturers. Further, there are several main things that make the engagement in the online learning platforms meaningful namely, clear instructions, easy-to-understand material, meaningful interaction with lecturers, and easy-to-follow materials, and a good learning flow.


Affiliation: Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta

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Engaging Interaction, Online Learning, Students’ Perception


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