Open Conference Systems, Language and Language Teaching Conference 2023

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It’s time to adapt: An emphatic response to unprecedented disruptions
Markus Budiraharjo, Agustinus Hardi Prasetyo

Last modified: 2023-10-27


Post-COVID 19 landscape has posed a variety of challenges in the realm of education in all levels. A growing body of research has documented the most learning loss in math and natural sciences among students at the elementary and secondary levels. Meanwhile, literacy-related subjects were found to have the least impacts of the learning loss. In addition to the missed opportunities, preliminary studies also demonstrated that students in general have encountered significant problems in maintaining relationality, both to their teachers and their peers. For university faculty members, challenges are not only on how to bridge the missing opportunities, but also on how to create meaningful learning experiences to the new batch of post-COVID 19 stricken demography. This study sets to report one of the good teaching and learning practices implemented in a teacher education course. It attempts to answer the question: What pedagogical/practices did students find relevant/useful/meaningful in their learning?


post-covid19; social and emotional learning; learning loss