USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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Religion Education in Indonesian High School: Moral Contestation between Spirituality and Moral Piety
Hastangka Hastangka, Benny Widaryanto, Yuyun Libriyanti

Last modified: 2023-05-16


This study will focus on the study religion education in Indonesian high school. Religion education in Indonesia has become compulsary subject that introduced in national curriculum policy. the basic idea of religion education has purposes to engage and develop moral and “spirituality to God”. The concept of religion education in Indonesia become change since in the post reform era 1999. This situation happened when religion education more emphasizes in the level of religious ritual and practice at school system. Indonesian schools have change into more religious schools rather than scientific. Most activities developed by school program from vision and mision, school activities are accomodated the ideas of agamis “religious terminology” taken from majority religion in Indonesia. The purposes of this study is to cultivate and explore the impact of religion education for moral piety and spirituality for senior high school students. This study would like to answers some critical issues as follows, how young generation imagined their religious values in public life? How do they use their religious values to express moral piety in public life? Does religion education can change their spirituality and religiousity in public life? This study will have conducted through interview, observation, and literature studies.  In this article, the transformation and change on religion education in Indonesia at the level of curriculum and methods of teaching is mentioned, and then the contestation of moral values and spirituality amongt young generations will be described.


“religion education”, “moral”, “values”, “spirituality”.