USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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“Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries”: Analysis of Novelty in Theological Method and Reflection
Martinus Dam Febrianto

Last modified: 2023-05-16


The “Doing Theology from Existential Peripheries” project, as an effort organized to reflect more deeply on the teachings of Pope Francis, is considered as an inspiration for theologians and anyone who is active in theological discourse since it promotes new paths in theological work and freshness in the fruits of theological reflection it generates. This article first examines its new way of theological effort and the fruits produced in the initial project. This article then compares this theological project that does not involve theologians or theological faculties in Indonesia with the “Project Theology”, namely the contextual theology method that was previously developed at the Wedabhakti Faculty of Theology, Indonesia. The author finds similarities as well as novelty to the project “Doing Theology from Existential Peripheries” so that it is methodologically appropriate to be developed in contemporary theological discourse and especially in the context of doing theology in Indonesia.


contextual theology, Pope Francis’ teaching, existential peripheries, theological method, project theology