USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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Indonesian Young Queer Faith
Handi Hadiwitanto, Vania Sharleen Setyono

Last modified: 2023-05-16


Being a young person in Indonesia with multiple identities: sexual minority and religious minority has never been easy. Indonesia as a religious society, ‘coming out’ as a phenomenon was never a safe option for young LGBTQ+, due to negative tendencies based on religious teaching. Meanwhile, violence is an unpleasant social experience by young LGBTQ+ is undeniable. This research will examine two specific issues, ‘coming out’ and violences towards young LGBTQ+, how they correlate one another. Furthermore, the complexity will be shown by analysis through religious backgrounds and practices which show the socio-religious characteristics. This research is conducted by using mix methods, a survey method which is processed quantitatively, and strengthened through a qualitative approach with focus group discussion.


Coming Out, LGBTQ+, Religiosity, Violences, Youth