USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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How Can Religions Shape the World? Christianity and Islam Inspiring Pluralist Societies
Felix Körner

Last modified: 2023-05-22


The role of religions in present-day societies has to be reconsidered. Let us pause for a minute and reflect on one word in this initial thesis. One should not resort to discussing only the “function” of religions; because if they have a mere function, religions are seen as subservient to other actors. Reli­gions would thus be reduced to instruments of human power, simply stabilising a political system or cultural structure, which in turn may be unwilling to be influenced and reshaped by what religions have to say. Of course, states, cultures, societies may express their expectations to a given religious community; but that community will also have questions to ask and suggestions to make. So, how can a sociologically informed theology answer the question: what should be the role of religions in our societies today?


religions, religious community, cultures, societies