USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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Striving For Emancipatory Human Being Through Religiosity Education In Sekolah Eksperimental Mangunan
Laurentia Yunitri Moelyowardani, Fransisca Mbawo, RMI, Kartika Kirana

Last modified: 2023-06-26


The diversity of cultures, religions, traditions, languages, and beliefs is found in Indonesia. On theone hand, diversity is a treasure of Indonesia. On the other hand, diversity is a challenge whendisharmony occurs in this nation. Thus, in this kind of situation, religiosity education seemsessential in cultivating integral Indonesian human characters. These characters in turn enableIndonesian people to live in harmony in the multicultural society. Religiosity education, therefore,needs to be enacted as early as possible. One of the elements in religiosity education is a learningenvironment. Religious education creates an atmosphere that respects children. This kind ofenvironment will foster a religious attitude in them. The study aims to describe the implementationof the concept of religiosity education at the Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School inSekolah Eksperimental Mangunan which is carried out by teachers and parents. This research isqualitative research using a case study approach. Data collection was carried out by observing andinterviewing children, teachers, and parents. The results of the study show that the atmosphere oflove and respect toward children makes them feel loved and valuable. Hence, they are encouragedto continue to develop their capacity to embrace and to respect the different people and any kind
68 | Procceding The Theology International Conference 2023 – Universitas Sanata Dharmaof diversity around them. This sustenance harmony of life wherever they are. They embracediversity as a reality of life and care about people's lives.


children, diversity, education, religiosity, respect

Full Text: PDF 65-80