USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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Pastoral Communication in the Digital Age: Realities and Response
Kasmir Nema

Last modified: 2023-06-27


This study examines the reality of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its effect on various dimensions of society, particularly social and religious dimensions. The rise of ICT into a new digital landscape has offered several concerns and challenged the church's mission. The church has been called to reshape its theological response to understand better ICT and its effects in the light of communication and pastoral communication theology. This study finds that the communication of the Triune God should be seen as a source of strength, inspiration, guidance, and a model for the church in her pastoral communication in the digital age, which, in turn, should set up the church’s pastoral responses in the digital era. Centering on the Triune communication model—the Father who creates, the Son who is incarnated, and the Holy Spirit who advocates—ICT may serve as a bridge connecting people and a beacon illuminating the world


Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Pastoral communication, communication Theology, and pastoral communication plan

Full Text: PDF 191-210