USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2024

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The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack (Psalm 23:1) Approaching from social-historical and literary perspectives and reflection on the current experience of Myanmar Catholics
Vien Van Nguyen

Last modified: 2024-02-27


This study will first examine Psalm 23: 1, “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.” in connection with the entire Psalm 23 through the social-historical, literary approaches; then second, reflect on the experiences of ‘the Lord as a good shepherd’ of the Myanmar Catholics who are suffering because of post-covid 19, the military coup and the civil war. Those approaches help readers understand the experiences of the Psalm’s authors in their relationship with the Lord, represented in the interconnection between the concept of the good shepherd who provides anything needed for his flock and the concept of the Lord. Then, from this understanding, there will be some discussions on the presence of God as a good shepherd in the suffering and misery experiences of the Myanmar Catholics.


Lord, good shepherd, coup, suffering, Myanmar Catholic