Last modified: 2024-03-18
This research is based on the problem of psychological disorders that affect the spiritual lives of transwomen in the Seruni Community of Yogyakarta due to social and spiritual exclusion. Seeing the spiritual absence of religious communities among the transgender community because of the stigma against them, it is necessary and urgent to contemplate pastoral counseling with an interfaith perspective for their psychological and spiritual recovery. This qualitative research aims to find out (1) how the trans woman community before receiving pastoral counseling with an interfaith perspective overcomes psychological and faith crises due to social and spiritual exclusion? (2) how does pastoral counseling with an interfaith perspective contribute significantly to overcoming their psychological and spiritual crisis? The informants in this qualitative research were trans women in the Seruni Community of Yogyakarta who were experiencing both psychological and spiritual crises. The interim results of the research show that: (1) the trans woman community lives on the periphery, both socially and spiritually. Interfaith pastoral counselor reaches transwomen communities who are marginalized both socially and spiritually. Transwomen suffer from spiritual orphanhood. Interpretations of the Bible that suffer from gender bias increasingly place transwomen at the extreme periphery. (2) Pastoral counseling with an interfaith perspective can have a huge impact on the psychological health and spiritual well-being of trans women so that they can grow again fully as individuals and experience full transformation as believers.
Key words: spiritual orphanhood, pastoral counseling, interfaith, transwoman
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan gangguan psikologis yang mempengaruhi kehidupan spiritual waria di Komunitas Seruni Yogyakarta akibat eksklusi sosial dan spiritual. Melihat absennya komunitas keagamaan secara spiritual di kalangan komunitas transgender karena adanya stigma terhadap mereka, maka perlu dan mendesak untuk memikirkan konseling pastoral yang berperspektif lintas agama untuk pemulihan psikologis dan spiritual mereka. Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) bagaimana komunitas transpuan sebelum mendapat konseling pastoral berperspektif lintas agama mengatasi krisis psikologis dan iman akibat eksklusi sosial dan spiritual? (2) bagaimana konseling pastoral berperspektif lintas agama berkontribusi signifikan dalam mengatasi krisis psikologis dan spiritual mereka? Informan dalam penelitian kualitatif ini adalah perempuan trans di Komunitas Seruni Yogyakarta yang sedang mengalami krisis psikologis dan spiritual. Hasil sementara penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) komunitas perempuan trans hidup di pinggiran, baik secara sosial maupun spiritual. Konselor pastoral lintas agama menjangkau komunitas transpuan yang terpinggirkan baik secara sosial maupun spiritual. Waria menderita yatim piatu secara rohani. Penafsiran Alkitab yang mengandung bias gender semakin menempatkan transgender pada posisi yang sangat terpinggirkan. (2) Konseling pastoral berperspektif lintas agama dapat memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap kesehatan psikologis dan kesejahteraan spiritual perempuan trans sehingga mereka dapat bertumbuh kembali sebagai individu sepenuhnya dan mengalami transformasi penuh sebagai orang beriman.
Kata kunci: yatim piatu rohani, konseling pastoral, lintas agama, waria