USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2021

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Exploring the Potential and Drawbacks of Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic
Bellah Jauharun Nadhifah, Yulia Hapsari

Last modified: 2021-04-05


Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the education aspect. In Indonesia, the government has been implementing distance learning to avoid physical interaction. This is done to break the chain of the Covid-19 pandemic as suggested by UNESCO.  Consequently, online learning becomes a famous choice among schools even though some schools are still adapting to this system. Various reactions highlighting the difficulties in the adaptation process have been aired during the implementation of the online learning. Yet, this kind of learning also brings about numerous potentials as the idea of online learning is not necessarily new to Indonesian education practices. Therefore, this study aims at revealing students’ perspective about the potential and drawbacks of online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. A survey study was conducted to high school students who experience the online learning. A set of questionnaire was distributed using Google form to capture their views about potential accessibility, flexibility, interactivity, and collaborative works during the online learning as well as the drawbacks covering infrastructure, habit, and learning content aspect.


Online learning, Covid-19 Pandemic, Potential, Drawbacks