Last modified: 2021-05-17
This study aimed to obtain students’ perceptions on use of online reflection writing to improve students’ writing skills and the positive impacts of virtual mentoring program, since this research was conducted during the pandemic situation. The researcher conducted the online reflection writing activity and guided the students in writing through online or virtual mentoring. To gather the data, the researcher used three instruments namely observation, students’ reflections, and interview based on Creswell (2015) educational qualitative design method theory.
As the result, the researcher found that five from the eight students responded positively to the reflection writing activity. They said that reflection writing activity was really beneficial and important for them. The most benefit that the students got from reflection writing was vocabulary improvement. Besides, the students also faced the challenges in writing a reflection such as the lack of vocabularies and the poor sentences arrangement. The students and the researcher also acknowledged the positive impacts of virtual mentoring that was done during the online reflection writing activity. This virtual mentoring offered the flexibility of time and place for both the students and the mentor and it was improved the interaction between the students and the mentor in virtual learning.