USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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Representation of Indonesian Cultural Diversity in Social Media Communication of Instagram Account @Budayasaya
Ludvivia Ramagita Hutagalung

Last modified: 2022-07-22


Indonesia is a country that is blessed with cultural diversity. Therefore, in this digital era, the Directorate General of Culture must be able to represent Indonesia’s diversity on the @budayasaya Instagram. As an official government account that publicles cultural information and content, it will certainly be in spotlight for the public on how Indonesia cultural diversity is represented. This study aims to see how the Instagram account @Budayasaya represents the diversity of Indonesian culture. This research used semiotics from Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) and theory of cultural manifestations by J.J Hoenigman (1959). The result shows that @Budayasaya Instagram account represents diversity of Indonesian culture through the use of characters with different cultural backgrounds and narrative posters. Thie findings indicate that the government of indonesia has close relationship with all Indonesian people and also between Indonesia people who live in harmony with differences.


Representation, New Media, Diversity, Semiotics by Kress & Van Leeuwen