USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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Exploring Students’ Disengagement in an Online EFL Classroom
Candra Wardani

Last modified: 2022-07-22


In an online content English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom conducted via Zoom application, students’ disengagement during the learning process still exists regardless of teachers’ careful teaching preparation for the class.  The reasons behind that disengagement in learning could be seen from different factors. Approached by learning engagement theory by Egbert (2021), this study examined reasons behind students’ disengagement, especially during lecturers’ presentation sessions in an online content classroom. The participants of the study consisted of seven (7) EFL students from a Teaching English for Adult Learners (TEAL) class in an English Language Education Program, at a private university in Central Java, Indonesia.  Data was collected from semi-structured interview sessions with the research participants. The preliminary findings of the study indicated the students’ disengagement were because of three main factors, namely social interaction, learning support, and level of difficulty. Practical recommendations for enhancing EFL students’ engagement in an online content classroom conducted through Zoom application are presented.


EFL; online classroom, students' disengagement, TEAL