USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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A Case Study of Students Anxiety in Learning English as a Foreign Language at a Boarding School in Pekalongan.
Khudhriyyah Fithroh Allail, Kusuma Nata Laksana, Rahma Salsa bila

Last modified: 2022-07-22


Khudhriyyah Fithroh Allail, Kusuma Nata Laksana, Rahma Salsabila.,, English Education Departement at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University Prof. DR. Hamka.

A Case Study of Students Anxiety in Learning English as a Foreign Language at a Boarding School in Pekalongan.

This study was carried out to investigate foreign language anxiety of EFL junior secondary school students at the 9th grade of Pondok Pesantren IMBS Miftahul Ulum Pekajangan-Pekalongan. Specifically, it sought to identify what factors that may contribute to anxiety in English learning environment based on the students’ perspectives. The method of this study is a Case Study. The result of this study showed that learning anxiety is influenced by some factors.



Learning anxiety, English, Boarding School