USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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TikTok as A Language Medium for Digital Natives
Theresia Davina Astrid

Last modified: 2022-07-22


People use digital tools more to communicate, discuss together, and find information through platforms available on gadgets. Since the pandemic, people, especially the Indonesian people, have used digital social media more to share and exchange ideas or just looking for entertainment. The TikTok application is one of the most widely used digital-based social media especially in Indonesia, various trends can be seen in this application, including language trends, especially made by the digital natives. The researcher aims by conducting this study is to determine the use of language, language changes, language variation or even the insertion of code switching that might happen in the TikTok media for digital natives. Researchers will use qualitative methods to collect data. Data will be obtained from respondents aged 15-25 years old. The results of the study explain the relationship of TikTok with language use and linguistic changes by digital natives in this digital era.


Digital media, Language use, Linguistic changed, Sociolinguistic, TikTok