USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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The Analysis of Slang Word in WhatsApp Application in Students social media
Monica Diajeng Puspitasari

Last modified: 2022-07-22



In our daily activities, human beings need to interact with each other. Because of that, we need a language to communicate with each other. In the era of digital or 4.0 generation, all people have a mobile phone to build communication with the other. With mobile phones, communication will be easy to do, people can communicate with their family while in long distance relationships. Therefore, electronic media has had many impacts on language use because people have easy access to information which can be seen and also listened to by the users. The examples of electronic media that can be accessed are television, radio, radar, mobile phone, laptop, computer, etc. Anyway, using social media to communicate with others, people usually use slang language or simple words.



English Language, Slang words, Social Media

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