USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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Language Change: The Analysis of Language Change in Speech Community
Gloria Putra Sion

Last modified: 2022-07-22


Language change is the process by which a language's features and usage over time changepermanently. Every natural language changes and this change has an impact on all facets oflanguage use. The four main categories of language change are acoustic, lexical, semantic, andsyntactic. The area of linguistics known as historical linguistics is specifically focused on howlanguages evolve (also known as diachronic linguistics). Everywhere we look, we could noticethat different generations speak differently. Because our language is constantly evolving, eachgeneration speaks a little differently. Not only our language either; every language is alwaysevolving. A living language that does not change does not exist. We can completely rely on this bit of truth.


Language change, Word Change, Education, Human phenomenon.