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Developing English Material for Tour Guide in Dirgantara Mandala Air Force Museum
Nararya Surya Bramasta, Kalyana Mitta, Kornelia Vidia, Icca Loranika Saragih, Mauren Hilda Kustopo, Patricia Amanda Suwantara, Ludwina Adela Maheswari, Khansa Mahira Pertiwi

Building: Campus 1 Mrican, Sanata Dharma
Room: K 16
Date: 2024-05-31 10:35 AM – 12:35 PM
Last modified: 2024-05-31



Mastering English language is essential for a tour guide. As tour guide, they need to understand how to guide the tourist in English properly and fluently. This research aims at developing English materials for Dirgantara Mandala Airforce Museum’s tour guides to improve their ability on speaking and listening. The development of this module is to provide the tour guide a material that give them opportunity to learn English based on their interest and relevant with their job field. In order to create the module, the researchers use quantitative method such as observation and interview. The framework of this research is marked under Research and Development (R&D) which consist of analyse, design, develop, implement, and evaluation. The topic included in this module are greeting and introduction, describe place and airplane, giving direction, and retelling history. The finding of this research pointed out that learning English improved student fluency, pronunciation, and confidence in speaking English. The ADDIE model implemented in this research will help the tour guide to help them to reach their professional advancement in guiding the tourist.

Keyword: English language, fluency, confidence, advancement, and tour guides