Open Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Seni dan Budaya

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Perubahan Status Kematian Tubuh Manusia
Clara Natalia Christina Mitak

Last modified: 2023-11-08


Popular culture is currently starting to show death as an object of entertainment. The corpses presented are not only in journalistic reporting, but also in the field of artistic arts. One example is the world of cinematography, such as film, animation and anime (Japanese animation). The film industry is taking the topic of death to new heights. The attribution of sadness, lamentation, and other negative emotions that have been attached to death are taken to a new level. A stage that Braidotti would later refer to as beyond death. This article will discuss about dystopia which is presented as entertainment and then will be discussed usingĀ  Rossi Braidotti's approach, posthuman, especially life after death.


dystopia, anime, zombies, necropolitics, zoe, survival game