Last modified: 2023-10-13
The solar power generation (SPG) system is one of the hopes for the use of renewable energy in Indonesia. The installation of the SPG system can be applied to a household scheme by installing it on the roof, or commonly called a rooftop SPG system. To support the PV mini-grid system on a household scale in this study, a feasibility study was carried out. The rooftop SPG system built is a 1500watt hybrid SPG system type. The system is divided into two parts, namely the on-grid section with 800WP solar panel power as a 1000 watt inverter energy source. And the off-grid uses a 500 watt inverter with 400WP solar panels with a 24 volt, 40 AH battery. From the test results, the average energy gain of the SPG system is 2.06 kWH/day with an efficiency of 43.58%. The average monthly electricity bill reduction is 24%.