USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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Anthony Adam Pranajaya

Last modified: 2023-09-14


Since a long time ago, Indonesia is abundant in its culture and languages. One of the languages that are still in use is Hokkien dialect which comes from Fujian province in China. This article will discuss about the relations of Hokkien dialect with mathematics that they use in their daily lives. Data will be gathered through a series of interviews and the usage of an online form. The online form itself will test participants’ ability in using Hokkien to name a few geometrical shapes. The participants’ mathematical skills will also be analysed using Bishop’s fundamental activities. Result showed that participants who lived in Medan are able to use Hokkien to describe in a mathematical sense. Results also showed that there are differences in Hokkien dialects such as intonation and different form of wording.


Cultures and Language, Ethnomathematics, Hokkien Dialect