Open Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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Women's Narrative in the National Movement Period in History Learning Textbook: Stand Alone or Blended?
Yasmin Nindya Chaerunissa

Last modified: 2023-06-06


On the topic of the national movement period, narratives about women appear more than on the other topics in history learning textbooks. For instance, there is a specific discussion on the women's movement. However, in order to create gender-fair learning material, one of the criteria is that the material should be inclusive and integrative; it should not be separate as a stand-alone discussion. If it does, it can give the impression that women are 'the Others', detached from the mainstream. This article aims to analyze the position of women's narrative in the national movement period as written in history learning textbooks. The raised issues are whether it is all right if the material still stands alone, or should it blend with the mainstream history during the national movement period?


history learning textbook; women history