Open Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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Judith Vannessa Rahmadi, Aquilina Tanti Arini

Last modified: 2023-06-07


Dating relationships are based on unsettled commitments such as marriage, so individuals who are in a dating relationship are more easily jealous because they are afraid of losing their girl/boyfriend. Jealousy can elicit responses that are destructive for individuals and relationships, but there are also individuals who can respond constructively. Based on a literature review, the response to jealousy was related to attachment style. For this reason, this study aimed to empirically examine the relationship between secure attachment style and constructive jealousy responses in early adulthood who were in a dating relationship. Respondents in this study were 198 male and female individuals aged 18–40 years who were in a dating relationship. The research variables were measured using a scale constructed by the author, namely the secure attachment style scale and the constructive jealousy response scale. Test the validity of both scales using content validity and reliability tests using Alpha Cronbach. The results of the reliability test showed a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.922 for the secure attachment style scale and a constructive jealousy response scale of 0.918. The data analysis technique used was Spearman's Rho One-Tailed correlation. The results of the analysis showed a correlation coefficient of 0.677 (p <0.05), which means that there is a significant positive relationship between secure attachment style and constructive jealousy response. The higher the tendency toward a secure attachment style, the higher the tendency to respond constructively to jealousy.


Constructive jealousy response; dating relationship; secure attachment