Open Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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Yohanes Heri Widodo

Last modified: 2023-06-07


The purpose of this research is to examine the psychological impact of a type of society predicted to become more prevalent in the future, called Metasociety. Metasociety is a digitally-based community where individuals who are members engage intensively in various activities, including interacting with each other through the Metaverse platform (Metamesta). The Metaverse is a virtual universe with all its features and facilities. The method used in this paper is a systematic review of various relevant literature. The results of the literature study reveal that the various features and facilities in Metasociety have proven to make human life easier in many ways. However, there are lurking threats, particularly concerning the mental health of individuals who extensively use the Metaverse platform. One of the threats that requires attention is the erosion of the "self," which is the true identity and the core structure of personality that should serve as the highest guiding principle. The erosion of self can jeopardize an individual's capacity to maintain good mental health, making it difficult for them to open up in various encounters with other members of society. If more individuals experience this problem, the ideal vision of a healthy society may remain just a mere dream.


Metaverse (Metamesta), Metasociety, Self