USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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Narrating Pre-Service Teachers’ Lived Experiences during Teacher Profession Program (PPG) based on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model
M Rifqi Romdon Anwari, Muhammad Rifki Afisyal, Markus Budiraharjo

Last modified: 2023-09-14


A policy breakthrough implemented since October 2022, the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Pre-Service Teacher Profession Program (PSTPP) has offered much to learn. While the program itself was developed to allow a full online program, its implementation has largely been implemented to accommodate physical classroom meetings upon the ease of COVID-19 declining threats. Five participants were involved to narrate their unique experiences regarding their learning encounters during the implementation of this PSTPP. The data drawn from a Focused Group Discussion and personal reflections suggest their experiential learning has allowed them to engage in Kolb’s four stages of learning, including attending to their own unique experiences, listening to what others said and shared, planning their own personal trajectories, and conducting personal and group experimentations. In addition, despite the highly demanding administrative burden required by the prescribed Learning Management System procedures and activities, the students admitted to have benefited from the dynamic, less compliance-based approach, set up by the lecturers. It is recommended that major stakeholders, namely students, university faculty members, and school faculty members develop more synergistic partnerships to reduce unnecessary redundancies.


Pre-Service Teacher Profession Program, experiential learning, lived experience