Religion Education in Indonesian High School: Moral Contestation between Spirituality and Moral Piety | |
Hastangka Hastangka, Benny Widaryanto, Yuyun Libriyanti |
Striving for Emancipatory Human Being Through Religiosity Education in Sekolah Eksperimental Mangunan | |
Laurentia Yunitri Moelyowardani, Fransisca Mbawo, Kartika Kirana |
Christ The Pioneer Of Transcendent Womanhood | |
Demitria Selvita Alvianey |
Aulia Simon Partogi Situmeang |
Pate Nalan: Mediatization Of Social Cohesion (Structural Functionalism Perspective) | |
Anselmus D. Atasoge D. Atasoge, Dominikus Doni Ola, Adison Adrianus Sihombing |
Religious Agrarianism: Reconnecting Agriculture, Environment and Religion | |
Fransisca Yohana Sri Winarsih |
“Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries”: Analysis of Novelty in Theological Method and Reflection | |
Martinus Dam Febrianto |
A Post-Covid Teacher’s Trauma Theology | |
Yan Okhtavianus Kalampung |
A Literature Study on How Religion Influences Culture and Vice Versa in East Nusa Tenggara and West Papua | |
Amanda Putri Nahumury |
A Culture of Encounter as a Response to Identitarian Populism in Pluralistic Indonesia | |
Anita Anastasya Br Sembiring, Anita Stephani F. Warrow, Antonius Bagas Prasetya Adi Nugraha, Erni Dameria Simare-mare, Paulus Bambang Irawan |
Shaping Student Character through a Culture of Dialogue: Experiences from Catholic Educational Institutions in Yogyakarta | |
Aloysius Gonzaga Ristata Kusnar Prabawa, Stefanus Krisna Bayu Sulistyo, Benedictus Adiatma Murti Wibowo, Benediktus Tri Widiatmaka, Paulus Bambang Irawan |
Pursuing the Spirit of “The Culture of Care” in Value Cultivation and Character Building for Students in Catholic Schools | |
B. Agus Rukmono, Marselinus Dhewandari, David Juliawan Ndruru, Jakobus Aditya Christie Manggala, Stefanus Gale |
Indonesian Young Queer Faith | |
Handi Hadiwitanto, Vania Sharleen Setyono |
Competence of Communicating Catechists in the Post-Truth Era | |
Kasmir Nema, Theresia Yovita Cendana Sari |
Church-Building as a Means of Communication in a Multicultural Society | |
Dionius Bismoko Mahamboro |
How Can Religions Shape the World? Christianity and Islam Inspiring Pluralist Societies | |
Felix Körner |
Reimagining Collective Identities in Migration: A Biblical Perspective on Cultural Memories | |
Rogel Anecito L. Abais |
Re-imagining Human Person: From Autonomy to Theonomy A fundamental key to understanding Christian Humanism | |
Joel Casimiro Pinto |
Understanding the Curse Against Enemies in Psalm 137 Through Structural Analysis as a Psalm of Lament and its Insights on Interpreting Violence in the Bible | |
Bobby Steven Timmerman |
Full Papers
Church-Building as a Means of Communication in a Multicultural Society | PDF 1-10 |
Dionius Bismoko Mahamboro |
How Can Religions Shape the World? Christianity and Islam Inspiring Pluralist Societies | PDF 11-19 |
Felix Körner |
Reimagining Collective Identities in Migration: A Biblical Perspective on Cultural Memories | PDF 21-26 |
Rogel Anecito L. Abais |
Re-imagining Human Person: From Autonomy to Theonomy A fundamental key to understanding Christian Humanism | PDF 27-36 |
Joel Casimiro Pinto |
Understanding the Curse Against Enemies in Psalm 137 Through Structural Analysis as a Psalm of Lament and its Insights on Interpreting Violence in the Bible | PDF 37-52 |
Bobby Steven Timmerman |
Religion Education in Indonesian High School: Moral Contestation between Spirituality and Moral Piety | PDF 53-64 |
Hastangka Hastangka, Benny Widaryanto, Yuyun Libriyanti |
Striving For Emancipatory Human Being Through Religiosity Education In Sekolah Eksperimental Mangunan | PDF 65-80 |
Laurentia Yunitri Moelyowardani, Fransisca Mbawo, RMI, Kartika Kirana |
Christ the Pioneer of Transcendent Womanhood | PDF 81-90 |
Demitria Selvita Alvianey |
Competence of Communicating Catechists in the Post- Truth Era | PDF 91-110 |
Kasmir Nema, Theresia Yovita Cendana Sari |
Contextual Pneumatology: Pneumatology in the Challenges of Post-Truth and Digital Media | PDF 111-124 |
Hastuti Anak Ampun, Aditya Relliantoko, Dominikus Setio Haryadi, Hari Gunawan Wibisono, Simplisius Yopi Sabatudung, Tamar Tamar, Heru Prakosa, SJ |
The Role of Religious Education in Promoting Religious Pluralism | PDF 125-138 |
Bernardus Agus Rukiyanto, Maria Wilfrida Meli Amatnua |
Indo-European Women and Evangelism in Central Java during the 19th Century | PDF 139-150 |
Max Rooyackers |
Re-Imagining Indonesian Young Queer Faith Amidst Violence | PDF 151-168 |
Vania Sharleen Setyono, Handi Hadiwitanto |
Developing Narrative Thinking in Children: A Critical Study on J.S. Bruner’s Narrative Thinking Patterns | PDF 169-180 |
Aditya Relliantoko, Andreas Gandhi Raka, Bernadus Singgih Guritno |
Pursuing The Spirit Of The Culture Of Care In Catholic Schools | PDF 181-190 |
B. Agus Rukmono, Marselinus Dhewandari, David Juliawan Ndruru, Jakobus Aditya Christie Manggala, Stephen Gale, Fl. Hasto Rosariyanto |
Pastoral Communication in the Digital Age: Realities and Response | PDF 191-210 |
Kasmir Nema |
Pate Nalan: Mediatization of Social Cohesion Struktural Functionalism Perspective | PDF 211-226 |
Anselmus Dorewoho Atasoge, Dominikus Doni Ola, Adison Adrianus Sihombing |
The Meaning of Pilgrimage Activities on the Face of Jesus' Mercy for the Life of the Local Community | PDF 227-236 |
Benedictus Aditama, Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno, Demitria Selvita Alvianey |
The Praxis Model of Lay Pastoral Ministry of San Juan Parish in Dialogue with Lamaholot Culture | PDF 237-250 |
Hendrikus Febrianto Fernandez, Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno |
New Ministerial of Lay in Catholic Church a Case Study in Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of The Good Shepherd Regarding Lay Mission Partner | PDF 251-268 |
Fransiskus Purwanto, Christian Hoper. SP |
Katekese Umat: Memperkuat Iman - Kearifan Lokal Perspektif Tradisi Bahaum Dayak Kanayatn | PDF 269-286 |
Theresia Yovita Cendana Sari, Adison Sihombing |
Mencerna Theosis dengan Konsep “Ngonangi” Ki Ageng Suryomentaram | PDF 287-306 |
Tri Ratno Wahono Wahono |
Shaping Student Character Through a Culture of Dialogue: Experiences from Catholic Educational Institutions in Yogyakarta | PDF 307-314 |
Aloysius Gonzaga Ristata Kusnar Prabawa, Stefanus Krisna Bayu Sulistyo, Benedictus Adiatma Murti Wibowo, Benediktus Tri Widiatmaka, Paulus Bambang Irawan |
Menyoal Identitas Perempuan Analisa Identitas Sosial Perempuan Sirofenisia dalam Mrk 7:24-30 | PDF 315-330 |
Agustinus Kartono, Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto |
A Culture Of Encounter as a Response to Identitarian Populism in Pluralistic Indonesia | PDF 347-356 |
Anita Anastasya Br Sembiring, Anita Stephanie F. Warow, Antonius Bagas Prasetya Adi Nugraha Prasetya Adi Nugraha, Erni Dameria Simare-mare, Paulus Bambang Irawan |

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