Presentations and Authors

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Striving for Emancipatory Human Being Through Religiosity Education in Sekolah Eksperimental Mangunan
Laurentia Yunitri Moelyowardani, Fransisca Mbawo, Kartika Kirana
Pursuing the Spirit of “The Culture of Care” in Value Cultivation and Character Building for Students in Catholic Schools
B. Agus Rukmono, Marselinus Dhewandari, David Juliawan Ndruru, Jakobus Aditya Christie Manggala, Stefanus Gale
Church-Building as a Means of Communication in a Multicultural Society
Dionius Bismoko Mahamboro

Full Papers

Church-Building as a Means of Communication in a Multicultural Society PDF 1-10
Dionius Bismoko Mahamboro
Striving For Emancipatory Human Being Through Religiosity Education In Sekolah Eksperimental Mangunan PDF 65-80
Laurentia Yunitri Moelyowardani, Fransisca Mbawo, RMI, Kartika Kirana
Pursuing The Spirit Of The Culture Of Care In Catholic Schools PDF 181-190
B. Agus Rukmono, Marselinus Dhewandari, David Juliawan Ndruru, Jakobus Aditya Christie Manggala, Stephen Gale, Fl. Hasto Rosariyanto
The Meaning of Pilgrimage Activities on the Face of Jesus' Mercy for the Life of the Local Community PDF 227-236
Benedictus Aditama, Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno, Demitria Selvita Alvianey
The Praxis Model of Lay Pastoral Ministry of San Juan Parish in Dialogue with Lamaholot Culture PDF 237-250
Hendrikus Febrianto Fernandez, Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno
Shaping Student Character Through a Culture of Dialogue: Experiences from Catholic Educational Institutions in Yogyakarta PDF 307-314
Aloysius Gonzaga Ristata Kusnar Prabawa, Stefanus Krisna Bayu Sulistyo, Benedictus Adiatma Murti Wibowo, Benediktus Tri Widiatmaka, Paulus Bambang Irawan

ISSN 2777-0842


Seminar Nasional Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (SNFKIP) diselenggarkan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.