Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2021

Sanata Dharma University (Virtual)

May 29, 2021

The Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics, and Literature is annually organized by English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta.

This year, 2021, the one-day UC will be organized on Saturday, 29 May 2021 virtually -- online, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

For further and latest information, check our instagram @uc.pbi.usd


Information for Authors/Presenters

The Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics and Literature

How to create an author account? Well, why not try the five main steps below?

1.  Visit the UC site: http://e-conf.usd.ac.id/index.php/ucpbi/UC

2.  To create an account, click on menu “Account” from the top of the page.

3.  Fill in the author information to the provided fields.

4.  Remember to check “Create account as: Author” (Check/mark the Author box).

5.  Click on “Create” button. Your UC author account has been created.


Well done! :-))




Information of Proceedings Publication

The Proceeding of International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research is published annually starting in 2017 in ISBN format. Due to certain circumstances, there were no publications in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. In 2023, the publication process continues in ISSN format.  
Posted: 2024-02-20 More...

How To Submit a Fullpaper


Steps to Submit a Fullpaper for ICEBMR 2024 (the same way as abstract submission)

Login on your ICEBMR OCS account. (Use your username and password)

Click on the “New Submission” link on the user homepage or click on the sidebar menu "Abstract/Paper Submission" from the right of the page.

Follow Step 1 to Step 5 of the submission process: 1. START, 2. UPLOAD SUBMISSION, 3. ENTER METADATA, 4. UPLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY FILES and 5. CONFIRMATION

Posted: 2023-11-20 More...

How to Submit Revision of Abstract/Fullpaper


Dear ICEBMR Presenters,

We would like to provide you with instructions on submitting Abstract/Full Paper Revisions. We hope this information proves helpful.

Posted: 2023-11-20 More...

How To Submit an Abstract


Steps to Submit an Abstract for ICEBMR 2024

Login on your ICEBMR OCS account. (Use your username and password)

Click on the “New Submission” link on the user homepage or click on the sidebar menu "Abstract/Paper Submission" from the right of the page.

Follow Step 1 to Step 5 of the submission process: 1. START, 2. UPLOAD SUBMISSION, 3. ENTER METADATA, 4. UPLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY FILES and 5. CONFIRMATION

Posted: 2023-10-24 More...

Creating an Author Account

Information for Authors/Presenters
International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research (ICEBMR) 2024
How to create an author account? Well, why not try the five main steps below?
Posted: 2023-10-24 More...
More Announcements...

Conference Information

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research (ICEBMR) | Faculty of Economics, Sanata Dharma University | Mailing Address: Jl. Affandi, Mrican, Kel. Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281 | Telp. (0274) 513301, 515253; Ext. 1513