Last modified: 2023-11-16
This research aims to analyze the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on food security in various regions, using the Panel Data. The independent variables used are inflation, unemployment, urban population, climate change performance index, and the dummy variable for the Covid-19 pandemic and the dependent variable is the food security index. The samples used were 45 countries divided into 5 regions, namely Africa, Asia, Australia, America, and Europe. The results show that inflation significantly negatively affects on food security in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Unemployment also has a significant negative effect in Asia and Europe, while in Australia it has a positive effect. Urbanization, which is reflected in population growth has a significant positive effect. Meanwhile, the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) has a negative influence on food security only in Asian. Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant negative effect in Africa, America, and Europe, while in Australia has had a positive effect.