Guidelines in Bahasa Indonesia (click here) Step-by-step guidelines for submitting an article please (click here#mce_temp_url#)
- Manuscripts submitted in the Proceedings must have been accepted by the editor(s) of the Annual Seminar on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology (Seminar Nasional Filsafat dan Teologi), Faculty of Theology, Unversitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta and suggested by the editor(s) to publish in the Proceedings.
- Manuscript is written either in Bahasa Indonesia or English (British is preferred).
- The submitted manuscript must have a strictly scientific character.
- The submitted manuscript has not been previously published.
- The length of the manuscript, including text, footnotes, and bibliography, should be around 3,000-8,000 words (counting spaces), although longer will be considered.
- Manuscripts must be written in Times New Roman font, with 12-point font, and footnotes in 10-point font. The template for the manuscript is available on the website of Proceedings of the National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology (or click here#mce_temp_url#).
- Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Arabic, and other texts (in the non-Latin alphabet) must be set in proper characters, using Unicode fonts.
- Transliteration of ancient foreign languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Arabic, and their Non-Latin Alphabets) must follow the academic style using The SBL Handbook of Style, Second Edition. (Atlanta, GA: SBL Press 2014) 55–67.
- When citing a Hebrew or Aramaic text, generally only the consonant text is presented, with vocalizations given only if they are considered important to the issue at hand.
- Transliteration should be provided, at least the first occurrence of Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Arabic, etc. and, must be accompanied by a translation of its meaning into the language used in the text (Indonesian or English).
- Citation of ancient texts in the original language should be limited to words or phrases that are important to the argument being made. The author is expected not to quote Bible passages that are too long.
Editorial Guidelines
Manuscripts for Proceedings of the National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology should use Chicago Style or Turabian Style and its adaptation for manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia. For thorough examples of English manuscript, see this manual, for manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia see this manual. It is highly recommended to use citation manager applications such as Zotero or Mendeley.