USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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A Post-Covid Teacher’s Trauma Theology
Yan Okhtavianus Kalampung

Last modified: 2023-05-16


Teachers must deal with the trauma of the post-covid era because they were one of the groups most impacted by the pandemic. According to several research, instructors must deal with a range of mental health difficulties in this environment. I contend that a post-covid teacher's trauma theology can offer a substantial answer to the situation in this case. I'll first give a backgrounder on post-covid trauma among instructors in an effort to frame this talk. The nature and importance of trauma theology are next covered. The main subject of this presentation will be covered in the segment that follows, which will address a post-covid teacher's trauma theology. And I'll make a quick comment to wrap up this presentation


Post-Covid, trauma theology, mental health, trauma