USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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Christ The Pioneer Of Transcendent Womanhood
Demitria Selvita Alvianey

Last modified: 2023-05-16


Topic about women is never-ending, and always evolving. Before the 20th century, women were always portrayed in literature as imperfect beings. This depiction ultimately placed women lower than men in all aspects of social, cultural and economic life. In the 20th century, feminism emerged, an ideology that fights for equal rights and obligations between men and women. One of the most popular feminist figures is Simone de Beauvoir. She stated that women must transcend themselves to show their existence. By showing their existence, women can demand rights that are not recognized. The feminist movement became more widespread and developed until it eventually gave birth to new schools of feminism. These new schools of feminism often bring impacts that go against nature, such as schools that advocate rejecting the existence of men and even refusing to give birth. Indirectly, these schools of feminism contradict the magisterium of the Church.

Feminism ultimately raises new problems. The problem that will be raised from this research is how the Church responds to the feminism movements that are echoing in today's society. The purpose of this study is to provide insight to the public regarding the Church's state towards the feminism movement. This research uses the literature review method, which is a series of research activities consisting of collecting data that is only limited to library sources, reading, and processing the data. This method has primary sources that are the object of research and secondary sources that support the study in the research. The researcher hopes that this research will contribute to the wider community for women to dare to act to break the stigmas that have been entrenched in the wider community.


transcendent of women, gender justice, mulieris dignitatem