USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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Competence of Communicating Catechists in the Post- Truth Era
Kasmir Nema, Theresia Yovita Cendana Sari

Last modified: 2023-06-26


Post-truth is a floating culture regarding democracy, culture, conflicts of interest, etc. The post-truth era alters people's focus, particularly when it comes to matters of faith, such as catechism.
This is why catechists need to know what's happening around them to help people get through the"post-truth" era. This research is meant to help catechists, who are responsible for communicatingand leading the Catechism of the People, face the challenges of the "post-truth" era. Themethodology employed is a qualitative approach based on library research. This study describesthe competencies required of catechism facilitators in the post-truth age, namely theologicalcompetence (cyber-theology) with the Holy Spirit as the inspiration, spiritual competence (Christas the spiritual center), digital technology competence (data-based evangelization), interculturalcommunication competence (language and culture, metanoia of ethnocentrism), and ICT(Information, Communication, and Technology) skills. The digital age in Indonesia allows thechurch to fulfill its mission by promoting adaptive and transformative approaches. The church (inthis case, the catechists) must be proactive and offer new ways of doing things while keeping theirCatholic identity. Digital dialogue, blogging about faith, digital discourse, and making a digitalmovement are all examples of digital catechesis, which is about building digital collaboration.


Catechism of the People, Communicating Catechist, Post Truth Era, Competencies

Full Text: PDF 91-110