USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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The Praxis Model of Lay Pastoral Ministry of San Juan Parish in Dialogue with Lamaholot Culture
Hendrikus Febrianto Fernandez, Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno

Last modified: 2023-06-28


Recently, the theme of lay pastoral ministry has been increasingly discussed. Since the Second VaticanCouncil gave great space for the active participation of lay ministers, various dioceses began to pay greatattention to lay ministry. This was then responded by parishes to design a model of lay involvement inpastoral ministry. One example discussed in this study is the praxis model of lay pastoral ministryinitiated in San fuan parish, Diocese of'Larantuka. This study aims to examine how the praxis model oflay pastoral ministry of San fuan parish. The research uses the method of pastoral theology based on theexperience of lay pastoral ministers in San fuan parish. The results showed that the praxis model of laypastoral ministry emerged from the experience of lay pastoral ministers in intense dialog with Lamaholotculture. Service models that exist in cultural traditions, such as gemohing and kumpo kao were adaptedinto a model of lay pastoral ministry and succeeded in mobilizing and nourishing lay pastoral ministry.The result of this adaptation was initiated as one of the praxis models of lay pastoral ministry in San fuanparish.


Lay Pastoral Ministry, Pastoral Theology, Cultural Adaptation

Full Text: PDF 237-250