USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2023

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Menyoal Identitas Perempuan Analisa Identitas Sosial Perempuan Sirofenisia dalam Mrk 7:24-30
Agustinus Kartono, Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto

Last modified: 2023-06-28


When reading Mark 7:24-30, readers are often aback by the attitude of Jesus when He accepts the presence and pleas of the Syrophoenician Woman. Jesus’s attitude was very different. He seemed to act rudely and not in accordance with His teachings and way of life. Let the children  first be fedd, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs (v. 27). According to A Hogg, the encounter of two people between the interaction of identity, politics, socio-economics and culture. This interaction is shown in the manner of movement, speech and treatment given. Therefore, the encounter of Jesus and Syrophoenician woman is analyzed using Social Identity Theory. After meeting Jesus and the healing of her daughter, the identity of the Syrophoenician woman changed and recovered even though she was still of a low social status. His identity, from unclean to clean, from suffering to being saved. He was returned by Jesus to his original realm, namely domestics. This research not only confirms the identity of Syrophoenician woman but also the identity of Jesus. He appeared not only as a healer, in general like a healer or a shaman. Jesus, in healing the daughter of Syrophoenican woman appears as God. Thus, Jesus has both a social and a divine-religious identity in this narrative.


Syrophoenician Woman, Social Identity Theory, Jewish, Mediterranian, Social Identity

Full Text: PDF 315-330