USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2024

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Naim Stifan Ateek's Palestinian Liberation Theology for The Israel-Palestine Conflict
Valentinus Fio Milinio Febriantoro, Thomas Lasmono Wibowo, JB. Heru Prakosa, SJ

Last modified: 2024-03-10


Palestine is a state with a population of around 4-5 million. Today, Christians in Palestine are only about 6 percent of the total population. These are people who are experiencing a difficult situation as a result of the political crisis between Israel and Palestine. In this case, there is an awareness of the urgency of an adequate theological interpretation of life together in societies with different political backgrounds, and social, cultural, and religious traditions. In fact, the Bible is often misused to legitimize political interests that benefit certain parties. Stefan Naim Ateek (born 1937) is a Christian who develops critical reflection within the framework of liberation theology to build a commitment to justice and liberation. It is hoped that Palestinian Christians will be able to respond to the challenges that arise amid political crises, socio-economic injustice, and cultural-religious problems. Through the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology, Ateek bases his theological reflections on Biblical narratives, especially the Exodus story, in the belief that God will always be on the side of the oppressed. In addition, in the perspective of the New Testament, Ateek also shows that God should not be understood as an exclusive person, as portrayed by the Israelites, but as a person who has a universal and inclusive relationship.

Ateek promotes the value of justice based on compassion towards peace-building and conflict resolution in the spirit of non-violence. In this case, the spirit of non-violence is seen as a solid expression of Christian love and an effective strategy toward socio-political transformation. To this end, Ateek also promotes interfaith dialogue as a way to build bridges for proper understanding between the various religious communities in Israel and Palestine, especially Jews, Christians, and Muslims. In short, Naim Ateek's Theology of Palestinian Liberation leads to a reflection of faith that leads to reconciliation and hope through the correct interpretation of justice, peace, and harmony.


Liberation Theology, justice, peace, mercy, Bible, new hermeneutic, Palestine, Israel, conflict, violence